Path and Pinnacle, - 2021
Path to Taggart Lake and The Teton Range
Grand Teton National Park
Proactive Preparation Benefits You Now and Supports Success in the Future
The preparation of your practice for succession involves undertaking a series of measures that elevate your practice performance, profitability and value beyond its present state. You will benefit now and at the time of acquisition. So will the physician that acquires it and succeeds you in the future.
Practices and Preparations
Just as there are a variety of practice settings, the nature of corresponding preparations also vary significantly. These are primarily private solo or group practices and physicians who are otherwise employed.
In this article, the example is that of a solo, private practice. Many of the characteristics of this model are shared by other types of practices.
There are two areas of preparation that apply to most types of practices. By applying some variations in preparation, individual needs...
Facing the Facets, Pioneer Peak, Alaska - 2015
Factors That Can Affect Your Perspective
It is common for individuals to look forward to their End of Career Transition. There are others who, for variety of reasons, do not look forward to it. Both have in common some degree of apprehension born of many concerns that coexist with their positive aspirations. Yet, this is not an either/or perspective. Indeed, there are varied attitudes that differ greatly, as they reflect diverse personal and professional concerns.
Amidst these seemingly opposite viewpoints, there is yet another major one that is relatively common. It is that of colleagues that derive so much satisfaction from their role as a physician that they just want to keep practicing for as long as they are able.
I personally know colleagues that have each of these major perspectives. It is common to see a blend of these as well. As I reflect on my personal experience, understanding of human nature as well as that of the...
Elements of Character, Yosemite Valley
Yosemite National Park - 2008
Character, Purpose and Leadership
Great, existential challenges have a remarkable way of evoking different reactions from individuals with diverse personalities. One aspect of this, is that the responses range from cowering fear to towering bravery. The latter is witnessed in men known for their genuine boldness as well as the man who has been perceived as quietly meek.
It is this seemingly outward meekness that is sometimes misunderstood for a quiet, steadfast resolve.
Who Are These Leaders?
Exemplary leaders may be found at a humble home, small and large businesses, hospitals, churches and government bodies. The list is virtually endless.
Some have a long record of leadership service; others seem to arise out of nowhere to meet the challenge they are confronted with. Perhaps you, as I have witnessed the behavior of individuals in the face of crisis:
The usually, boldly verbose remain...
Gibraltar Rock, Sedona, AZ - 2008
How Your Clarity and Conviction Sustain Your Purpose
It is common in our culture for individuals to think of and describe themselves by what they do…their title, profession, vocation, etc. You may often witness this in social settings when someone introduces you to another person. Commonly, they may ask you: “What do you do for a living? or what kind of work do you do?” Seldom does someone ask you to tell them about yourself.
Why is that? There are cultural and personal reasons for this.
As to the cultural, we are taught to identify ourselves with a “What?” This begins early in life as when uncle Joe visits the family at a special occasion and with a kind smile asks Sammy or Susie: “What are you going to be when you grow up?” There are many variations of this that are experienced during formative years…and often beyond that.
However, it readily becomes clear that you are not a...
Coursing Undeterred
Tributary, Madison River, MT - 2004
The Next Step
Part Five of a series…
The End of Career is not an event. It is a process that affects you personally and professionally. For that reason, it takes time to prepare for and experience it. This becomes increasingly clear as you progress from the conceptual to the practical application of your plans.
So far, this series of articles has provided you with a blueprint that describes a logical and actionable planning sequence. The first articles have discussed the planning process. That included the first step, the Post Career Lifestyle Plan and then, the Post Career Financial Plan.
These plans address your personal needs and desires as you aspire to the next great phase of your life. The topics discussed are largely applicable to the personal and professional challenges that are common to physicians in various practice settings.
Considerations and Conclusions
Upon completion of these two plans,...
Punctuating Paradise
Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia reginae)
Kauai, HI - 2021
A Practical Methodology for Evaluating Your Readiness
Part Four of a Series...
There will likely come a time in your life when you will think of a projected date for your End of Career and begin to plan for it. When you do, you may take action and begin by doing what you are familiar with. You may get an update regarding the status of your retirement plan from your investment advisor(s).
After that, you might schedule a meeting with your financial planner. It is certainly a prudent thing to do. You go with the expectation of getting some answers and clarity about your future prospects.
Stumble and Recovery
Charles asks you few questions and then suggests that there is some preliminary planning that you and your spouse should do in order to optimally advise you on your financial readiness. He asks you to prepare a fairly clear description of how you envision your...
Stability and Resilience
North Shore, Kauai - 2021
Your Transition Is a Stimulus for Personal Development and Fulfillment
Part Three of a Series...
Change and transition are words that are often used interchangeably. However, these two words have different meanings and what they describe have distinctly different purposes.
Lessons Learned in My Life’s Journey
My personal experience with change and transition illustrates this point. Years ago, I was diagnosed with colon cancer and then developed other medical problems. Together they created a change that ended my Plastic Surgery career and triggered my End of Career Transition. Thankfully, years later I am cured, renewed and fulfilled in my new career.
My Transition was not an event that occurred spontaneously. It was the result of sustained, focused and deliberate effort over a period of time. That effort was directed at a particular envisioned outcome: to experience renewal and fulfillment. The means for...
Rising Onward
The Teton Range, Grand Teton N. P. - 2021
The Path to Preparedness
Part two of a series…
The End of Career is one of those major life events for which it is critical to prepare well in advance.
Early on, you will recognize that the magnitude and scope of the challenge is significant. As a result, you will realize that to achieve a successful Transition you will need to devote focused effort over a significant period of time. These inevitable, initial questions will arise:
I am confident that you have learned long ago, as I have, that great achievements require great preparation.
The First Step of the Path
To begin, there are three major concerns for which preparation is essential.
The first of these is to prepare yourself, personally, to enter the next great phase of your life. As you do so, it is important to keep in mind that your spouse and in unique ways,...
Sunset Begets Sunrise
Smoky Mountains N. P. - 2009
Pondering, Planning and Preparedness
Part one of a series…
A common life experience is the feeling of uncertainty that arises from an inevitable, yet unfamiliar change. The kind that looms large in your horizon and accompanied by significant challenges.
There are some challenges that minimize your feeling of uncertainty by virtue of education, training and devoted effort to a particular achievement. Most often, your education and training occurs relatively early in life, prior to launching your career. Then there are some events for which it is usually very difficult to prepare far, far in advance.
(With the recognition that there are a variety of practice settings, the model described here is that of a solo practitioner, as there are many elements of that which apply to other types of practices.)
Timely Training
A prominent example is the end of your career. My experience as a consultant...
Radiant Jubilation - 2022
My best wishes to you and your family. May you have abundant health and happiness in 2022...and beyond!
50% Complete
How to Transition Successfully from Your Career –Â
The Core ConcernsÂ